Thursday, 17 September 2015

cross country

At 12.30 we all got changed in the bathroom in our house colours
And we lined up then we went to the courts to line up in our years

Then the year 1 were the first people up then Mr Burt claps a wooden clapper
and they run on pt England field to the reserve back into the pt England gates
and they race to the finish line if you come first second or third then you get your

name written down but they don't compete because they are too small only year 4 and up only compete  and they vs other schools. its pretty hard trust me you will
come first and if you do you are a champion. Champions never give up.

i never went this year but last year i came first. when Mr Burt smashed the wooden clappers together Jonathan was in the lead then i came in the lead ran from the
field to the reserve back in the gates and when i saw my dad he said boost it the
I sprinted hard as I came then came past the finished line so puffed then i felt
proud. remember champions never give up.

By thank you for
       reading bye  

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