Friday, 16 October 2015

Immersion assembly

On monday 12th of October there was a Immersion Assembly. All the parents were there and teachers and Mr Burt. And a dinosaur named barney came to our school
and he
was giving people some hugs.

Next Mr Burt was talking about survivors and when animals adapt.
Team 1 showed what they were up to.
And they were taking team 1 kids to the school.
Then they had a karaoke then they pick some kids to sing for a prize.

The song was roar and there was little kids and big kids some were
good and some were funny. But who won
was mareka. The prize was a trip with team 1 to the zoo.

Then it was team 2 we watched a video and it was about dinosaurs
and it look like the t rex was going to eat mrs nalder.And this spikey
dinosaur vs the t rex and the spiky dinosaur won because the t rex
couldn't eat it. and so he waked it with it's tale. and the biggest dinosaur
was the brontosaurus. then they showed us what they have been up to.
and they brang barney the dinosaur.

And That's All I Can tell u about bye

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